
( Ferrite Test ) اختبار الفريت

اختبار الفريت*
هو طريقة سريعة وغير مكلفة ودقيقة لقياس محتوى دلتا الفريت في الفولاذ الأوستنيتي والفولاذ الدوبلكس المقاوم
للصدأ. يمكن أن ينشئ اختبار الفريت توازنًا مثاليًا لمحتوى الفريت بين اللدونة والمتانة ومقاومة التآكل ومنع التشقق
يعد اختبار الفريت ضروريًا في بعض الأحيان لتجنب فشل المواد في الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الأوستنيتي والدوبلكس. يمكن أن يكون محتوى الفريت المرتفع جدًا أو المنخفض جدًا ضارًا. إذا كان محتوى الفريت منخفضًا جدًا ، فقد يكون الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ عرضة للتكسير بالتصلب (التكسير الساخن) عند اللحام

  • يمكن أخذ العينات فى الموقع*
    الوصول الى أضيق الاماكن*

     السعر للزيارة الواحدة*
    تشمل التقارير الفنية الخاصة بالقراءات*
    كل هذه القياسات متاحة لدينا وأكثر
    أطلب الخدمة الأن

حدد أحد خيارات المنتج والكمية المطلوبة ثم ضف إلى قائمة مشترياتك , سوف يتم الرد عليكم بعرض سعر فى أقرب وقت.
رمز المنتج: WY1024 التصنيف:

?What is Ferrite

Ferrite is one of the metallurgical phases or components found in the microstructure of both austenitic and duplex stainless steels.

In austenitic stainless steel weld metal, ferrite influences:

  • Mechanical properties
  • Weldability (solidification cracking tendencies)
  • Corrosion resistance

In duplex stainless steels, ferrite  influences:

  • Mechanical properties
  • Corrosion performance

Proper ferrite content provides a balance between ductility, toughness, corrosion resistance and crack prevention.

?What can Ferrite Testing do

  • Assess  ferrite content in stainless steel welds and overlays  in field and laboratory settings
  • Determine ferrite content percentages of duplex stainless steel piping, pressure vessels, tanks, castings, mechanical components
  • Satisfy the requirements of specification such as API 938C, API 582, NACE MR0175, NACE MR0103

?Why Use Acuren for your Ferrite Testing needs

Potential failures or increased maintenance costs due to in-service corrosion, cracking or poor mechanical properties, can be avoided by utilizing Acuren’s ferrite testing services.

Acuren has technicians and engineers throughout North America with decades of experience and can offer this service to a range of industries:

  • Oil and gas
  • Pulp and paper
  • Chemicals
  • Power generation
  • Mining
  • Manufacturing and other industries

Expert ferrite testing technicians

Our technicians are qualified according to specific procedures within our documented quality program , and technicians are audited to ensure competence over time.

The Acuren technicians that perform this testing are often specific metallurgical technologists and understand what the results mean in relation to the material properties. Not all testing organizations have this level of rigor in their quality program, nor the level of expertise within their technician pool of resources.

Additionally, Acuren employs approximately 100 engineers  which are trained and qualified to make recommendations for customers that need additional assistance when interpreting results or making decisions on the best course of action based on the findings of the test.

?What is a desirable ferrite content percentage

The proper percentage of ferrite depends on the type of stainless steel you are working with.

Ferrite content in austenitic stainless  steel

The presence of ferrite in the range of 4-8% in austenitic stainless steel welds is ideal. This percentage  has proven effective in controlling micro-cracking of weld metal during cooling.

Ferrite content in duplex stainless steel

In duplex stainless steels, 35 to 65% ferrite is preferred, though 50% is  optimum. This ensures  corrosion resistance, toughness and strength.

?How is ferrite content measured

Testing ferrite content is fast, and results are immediate.
  1.  A probe is placed on the material being investigated, and a closed magnetic  circuit  is formed. This allows us to measure the magnetic permeability
  2. This permeability is measured against standard percentages of other materials with known ferrite content.
  3.   The permeability of the material being analyzed  indicates the ferrite content percentage..
  4.  The ferrite content is read from a digital-readout.

?Does the testing damage the material

The technique we use is nondestructive.  The surface to be tested must be clean and smooth.

?How accurate is ferrite testing

Calibration pieces are used to ensure accuracy, but results can be influenced by shape, size and surface condition of the component. Typical accuracy within the industry is +/-5%.
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