
( Wall Thickness Measurment) قياس تخانة الخامات

قياس التخانات
يتميز قياس السماكة بالموجات فوق الصوتية بكفاءة من حيث التكلفة لإجراء قياسات دقيقة على الصلب والحديد الزهر والألمنيوم والنحاس الأحمر والزنك وزجاج الكوارتز والبولي إيثيلين والبلاستيك الحديد الزهر الرمادي والحديد الزهر العقيدي. يتم قياس السماكة من جانب واحد من المواد دون الحاجة إلى قطع الجزء.
قياس ألواح الصاج المواسير العلب الكمر وجميع الأشكال المعدنية*
نطاقات القياسات 
نطاق للقياسات من 0.65 مم الى 400 مم*
نطاق قياسات للخامات المطلية من 3 مم الى 20 مم*
نطاق القياسات (درجة حرارة عالية) 4 ~ 80 مللي متر*
نطاق القياسات (حديد رمادى ) 3 ~ 50 مللي متر*
قياس سمك الجسم المطلي دون إزالة الطلاء غير المعدني*
الملاحظات: يعتمد نطاق السماكة على نوع محول المواد وحالة السطح ودرجة الحرارة.

  • يمكن أخذ العينات فى الموقع*
    الوصول الى أضيق الاماكن*

     السعر للزيارة الواحدة*
    تشمل التقارير الفنية الخاصة بالقراءات*
    كل هذه القياسات متاحة لدينا وأكثر
    أطلب الخدمة الأن

حدد أحد خيارات المنتج والكمية المطلوبة ثم ضف إلى قائمة مشترياتك , سوف يتم الرد عليكم بعرض سعر فى أقرب وقت.
رمز المنتج: WY1006 التصنيف:

?What is a thickness gauge

A thickness gauge is a device used to quickly and easily measure the thickness of a material. A thickness gauge is useful for many industries but is most commonly used in engineering and manufacturing to help ensure material thickness complies with industrial standards and regulations. As well as measuring the thickness and density of a material, a thickness gauge can be used as an additional quality assurance tool in industries such as automotive, to measure the uniformity of material and help identify hidden damages or imperfections.

?How much does a thickness gauge cost

Different factors can affect the price and cost of a thickness gauge, such as the transducer frequency, thickness measurement application, and software capabilities. We offer free quotes and demos so that you can test and evaluate gauges pre-purchase; contact us to learn more.

?What is a Hall-effect thickness gauge

Hall-effect thickness gauges, like the Olympus Magna-Mike™ 8600, use a sensor that responds to changes in a magnetic field by varying a voltage. Using a small magnetic target, they can provide accurate thickness measurements of nearly any non-magnetic material where a probe can be placed on one side and a target, like a steel ball, on the other.

?How do you measure pipe thickness

If you’re looking to measure the thickness of a pipe, an ultrasonic thickness gauge should be used. A handheld thickness gauge, such as the 27MG, will offer accurate measurements from one side of metal pipes and parts that are thinning due to erosion or corrosion.

?How do you measure metal thickness

To accurately measure the thickness of a metal without damaging it, an ultrasonic thickness gauge should be used.

?What is mil thickness

A mil (or thou) is a unit of thickness that equals one thousandth of an inch (0.001 inches). Example: 10 mils = 0.010 inches. Mil thickness is commonly used in manufacturing in non-metric countries to measure the thickness of various thin materials, such as paint layers, thin films, foils, plastic sheets, and coatings.

?What is micron thickness

A micron (µm) is a small unit of thickness that equals one-millionth of a meter (0.000001 meters) and one-thousandth of a millimeter (0.001 millimeters). Micron is the shortened word for micrometer and is the closest metric unit to a mil (25.4 microns = 1 mil).

?How do you check paint thickness

Ultrasonic thickness gauges can measure paint thickness nondestructively. For example, Olympus gauges such as the 72DL PLUS instrument offer features that can calculate total paint thickness and simultaneously display paint thickness measurements of up to six individual layers. Paint thickness is expressed in mils or microns.

?How do you measure plastic thickness

To measure the thickness of plastic nondestructively, a Hall-effect or ultrasonic thickness gauge should be used. The thickness of plastic is often expressed in mils or microns.
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