Trans Tig 2200 – Fronius Brand

يعتبر TransTig 2200 خفيفًا وقويًا
* تحكم رقمى فى عملية اللحام
Digital Display – Microprocessor Control
*  خاصية Puls-Spot-TAC (Welding).
* شاشة لاظهار الاعطال تعمل باللمس.
* بداية اللحام عن طريق (التردد العالى- التلامس).
* لا يحتاج إلى شرح في التشغيل ويوفر أقصى طاقة من شبكة 230 فولت.

حدد أحد خيارات المنتج والكمية المطلوبة ثم ضف إلى قائمة مشترياتك , سوف يتم الرد عليكم بعرض سعر فى أقرب وقت.
The TransTig 2200 is both light and robust, self-explanatory in operation and delivers maximum power from a 230 V grid.


Mains voltage 230V
Mains frequency 50-60Hz
Welding current / Duty cycle [10min/40°C] 220A / 40%
Welding current / Duty cycle [10min/40°C] 180A / 60%
Welding current / Duty cycle [10min/40°C] 150A / 100%
Open-circuit voltage 84 V
Degree of protection IP23


With TAC, one spot is all it takes for tacking, because the pulsed arc sets the two weld pools in motion, making them jump together in next to no time, to make one single weld-pool. The TAC function is also very useful when welding light-gauge sheets without filler metal.


The touchless and gentle high-frequency ignition is the easiest option for igniting the arc.


Touchdown ignition can be used in particular for sensitive application areas. This allows electromagnetic interference, which can occur during HF ignition, to be avoided.


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